Running on the republican ticket for Governor of California-Thomas Jefferson lookalike, Meg Whitman went on public record, on a radio show last year giving her reasons why she'd be oh so awesome, as the new governor of California.
One of those stances had to do with how tough the governor has to be with the over running illegal immigration issue and how employers that hire them need their heads busted.
She also stated that sanctuary cities, such as San Francisco, LA and San Diego are whack, need to be stopped and the Feds needed to be involved in the stopping of this as it is ILLEGAL.
Nowadays, since winning the republican vote for governor, she is pandering to the Latino community by taking out expensive Spanish ads on such places as Telemundo radio and Spanish speaking TV during the soccer playoffs-advising to everyone how she is against Arizona's law- that her view on immigration is pretty much the same as Jerry Brown's (who is for amnesty), and she has bought a few of those huge billboards in spanish wrote how she is against Arizona law-someone saw one of these in the san fernando valley (look on john and ken's KFI.com site to see what one looks like).
For all that, and for disabling the ability to add comments to her face book page, she earns the prestigious Sac hole prize, awarded to those California politician's for the best two faced, arrogant behavior.
You go Meg-you are so awesome to believe my and others vote are in the bag.
The whore is so scared of comments and having to actually face human beings, its easier to shit out a beaver then get her to talk out in public unless you are a spanish only speaker.
Here are some ways to communicate to the lying weasel if you are interested:
Meg’s Secret War Room Number: 408-799-9851; or megs phone# 408- 400-3887
-For press and media inquiries, please email Communications@MegWhitman.com.
-For all event and scheduling requests, please email Scheduling@MegWhitman.com.
-For general campaign related inquiries, please email Support@MegWhitman.com.
-If you have a question for Meg to answer, please email AskMeg@MegWhitman.com.
Meg, here is a spanish lesson for you:
1-Besa mi culo, puto (Kiss my ass, Bitch) (my personal favorite)
2-Beso mi culo (Kiss my ass)
3-Besame el culo (Kiss my ass)
4-Viete a la mierda! (Kiss my ass!)