I heard today, Roy Ashburn-Senator of Bakersfield, refuses to take a voluntary 5% cut in pay, like some of his other peers have done so far.
Bakersfield.com -
Ashburn said he hasn't been told whether the sacrificed pay goes to the general fund -- the focus of California's budget drama -- or to the Senate's operating budget. "I will not turn over more money for the majority party," he said, when the Democrats "refuse to cut spending to balance the state general fund."
Good attempt to save face, Roy. And, no, Im not a bleeding-heart liberal democrat.
Hellllooo, Ashburn is the same guy, one of three republican senators who, in february, signed a new budget into law which raised taxes to the highest level in history, then promoted a special election that would result in keeping the increased taxes around another 2 years-running commercials that Hitler would rise from the dead and conquer and take over all of California, if we didn't vote Yes on these special propositions.
And now he's concerned where his money will go if he takes a cut in pay?
He didnt sound too concerned in february that money was going to be taken from law abiding citizens who may be single parents with no jobs and foreclosed homes.
He must think we're all dumbasses-much like him.
By a show of hands, how many think the only thing Mr Assburn is concerned about is being able to take his summer vacation in Brazil this year?

Of course you are all welcome to help me RECALL this idiot by visiting the website and downloading a petition just waiting for your signature and the signatures of all your friends and family. Recall Roy Dot Com!
would love to but I dont live in his district-my sig wont be valid
and I dont have friends or family in his district, either
i'm going to check out that site just so I can have a few good laughs. Watta douchebag!
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