Amid budget crisis in Febrary, California legislators still wined and dined on lobbyists' dime - Sacramento News
"It was Valentine's Day eve 2009, and the state faced a $40 billion deficit and a deadline.
The governor and legislative leaders had just agreed on a package of sobering tax increases and spending cuts that would affect nearly every Californian. But the package awaited review by the full Legislature.
Conservatives were decrying the tax increases, Democrats were trying to stand firm, and national newspapers were opining on whether California would go bankrupt.
That same night, AT&T spent $1,800 to send 18 legislators, legislative staffers and their children to "Disney's High School Musical: The Ice Tour" at Arco Arena..."
here's an interesting Database:
See every gift given to state leaders,their relatives, their staff and who gave it to them - Click this link NOW!
My personal favorite. Take $8,009 out of a tax deductible Scholarship Foundation to pay for a trip to Hungary to advocate poker.
Stay as classy as you are, California Legislature.
Levine, Lloyd (D-Los Angeles)
CA Assembly
The Hayden Scholarship Foundation
Tickets to World Poker Conference in Budapest to speak about intrastate legalization of poker
NOW I understand how Jeff Miller and Mike Duvall sport four chins each, it's courtesy of all those assorted corrupt companies who gift them with free meals and treats at expensive restaurants-for whatever reason.
I pay AT&T cell, internet and phone, on time, each month and have not so much been offered a discount, let alone concert tickets.
Why do legislators need free tickets to Britney Spears concerts and to see the Kings play? Can't they get along with their six figure salary, free car and generous per diem?
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