Ca. Governor Arnold Shwartzy voted pro-consumer only 6 times while signing off on the 14 bills determined to have an impact on taxpayers in California.
Richard Holober, Executive Director of the Consumer Federation of California stated: “We are disappointed that the Governor sided with big business interests and against consumers on the majority of bills that reached his desk. The Governor turned a deaf ear to California consumers on key food safety, automobile insurance and financial privacy proposals.”
"Anti" Consumer Bills Signed by the Governor
AB 48 (Portantino) – will reinstate responsibility for oversight of for-profit post-secondary educational institutions to an agency unsuited for the task, and would establish standards that would permit fraud on students.
AB 1200 (Hayashi) – weakens California’s “anti-steering” law by allowing automobile insurance companies to persuade policy holders who have chosen a repair shop to switch to a shop that may use inferior parts or procedures.
SB 98 (Calderon) – Regulates life settlement industry, but requires biased disclosures that do not inform insurance policy holders that they may have better alternatives to surrendering a policy or allowing a life insurance policy to lapse.
For more read here.
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