Bitchcar Barbara Boxer might not be your picture of warmth. In fact, if you preheated your oven and threw her in for a few hours to broil, there would still be a frozen middle. But while you ponder alternatives, you'll wanna take at the skull-swinging republican version of what a senator should be. Should be. She wants to take Boxer's spot, and to be honest, I don't want to be in that room when the back fur spikes and hisses come-a-roarin'.
There are 3 key factors to Carly's public legacy:
1. Hewlett-Packard fired her sorry ass after the company's stock sank 60%.
2. 18,000 layoffs on her watch. (Hey, someone's gotta balance a budget!)
3. She got a $45 million dollar "get off my lawn, bitch" payoff.
Carly Cryptkeeper
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