While the economy is recovering, we still haven't recovered, in fact we are still broke ass poor, at least judging by this Halloween.
A survey taken by government vor-kers (cause they dont have anything else to do) report that there will be fewer parties, fewer haunted houses, less candy, fewer decorations and more handmade and reused costumes.
Especially hit the hardest on Halloween, are the 18-to-24-year-old crowd. (sniff,sniff)
But here's good news, we're still carving pumpkins.(yea! wonder if there's a job out there for this specialty).
Evidently, the government is saying there is something like 93,000 acres of land devoted to pumpkin growing which is up from around 26,000 acres in 2007, and most of those pumpkins are destined to become smiling ass jack-o'-lanterns.
Costumes that appear to be popular this year include: Transformers, Harry Potters, superheroes and zombies as well as vampires, princesses, police officers and pirates (Makes me think of Mike Duvall and his "eye patch panty" wearing lobbyist/slag).
Nurse costumes this year fell from fifth to 13th most popular while politicians dropped off the list altogether (hmmm, really? a Karen Bass costume with an army buzz cut wig, snake scales all over your arms and a giant fish hat seems about right, as does a Swarzneggegger outfit complete with urine stained slacks, a frankenstein mask and a cigar).
New this year, is a mask of Bernie Madoff.(included, a wrinkled neck piece)
I have attached (see below) the costume that has brought a lot of flack, bickering and hurt feelings especially amongest the Illegal advocates, to the point that some stores took it off..Hey, its a fucking costume for halloween, you morons, you. (and it's funny cause that's what alot of people really think)
I want one of these.

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