Sunday, October 25, 2009

Yanks beat Angels on uneven playing field

So there go the Angels. Done in by the dark, evil hand of those damn Yankees of New York. It brought me back to those days as a kid hating everything the Yankees stood for. Now as an adult, it is more interesting to view those little underlying things you don't necessarily see during a major league pop-up.
The Yanks are in a new facility, as viewers know, a move that cost a grand total of $2.31 billion [pdf].

Did you know you paid for a little share of that?  As Matt Welch explains, waivers, grants and subsidies from the government separate man from mouse:

The biggest three categories of government contribution were the following:
• $417 million in property tax waivers from the City of New York.
• $327 million in federal tax-exempt bond subsidies.
• $232 million worth of land giveaways from the city. 

 Dollars and sense in major league sports is tricky.  It's not for us regular beer swillers and hot dog fiends.  We typically just want to see strikes, balls and homers.  Pennants, double plays, stolen bases and championships go along with losing streaks, batting slumps and rebuilding just fine (ask the Marlins, who had the most well-publicized "garage sale" ever).

So good luck Yanks, you got us this year.  But the Angels will be back (maybe they will be the L.A. Angels from Burbank next time), and we will work on getting larger tax exemptions and land give away opportunities like it is nobody's business.

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