It is time for everyone to jump in to the fight. It is time to put California on a no CARB diet!
From time to time the California Air Resources Board holds meetings, allegedly to get input from the public.
These meetings are mostly unattended because, face it, few have the time to listen to a bunch of windbag bureaucrats telling you the great things that they are doing to justify their bloated paychecks paid by the taxpayer.
Without opposition, they write whatever regulations they want without any concern that they will be held accountable.
This has got to change now!
We want you and your friends to start attending these meetings.
At these meetings make yourselves heard so there is no doubt in their tiny minds that there is opposition and that they ARE being held accountable.
We also want you to photograph the people holding the meetings and the lobbyists that are supporting them.
Get their names so they can be placed in the spotlight here.
Record the meetings. We can use sound clips of their typical arrogant responses to your questions.
Everyone needs to pitch in and do their part, we're talking about job loss, bankrupcy for some, leaving California, and its just everyday, usual business for these self anointed elitists, who think they know better how we should live our lives.
Attend this one and see more meeting dates on killcarb.org
January 28, 2010
Air Resources Board
1001 I Street, 2nd Floor
Byron Sher Auditorium
Sacramento, CA
"Report to the Board on the Air Resources Board’s Program Priorities for 2010
Executive Officer James Goldstene will brief the Board on major program priorities for 2010"
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