So, some listener from San Francisco was interviwed on KFI's The John and Ken Show, the other day-she said she happened to be listening to some talk radio show who's guest happened to be that big idiot, Abel Maldonado, Governor Schnitzel's choice for Lt. Governor -
(that position was promised to Maldanado in a horse trade deal during last year's budget if he voted for the tax increases we now enjoy-thanks bonehead, he must have been taking brain stem lesson's from Tony Villar.)
Anyway, the listener called in to the show to ask Maldanado a question about the AB32
So the idiot, obviously, didnt expect to be challenged-he told the listener that he is in agreeance with AB32-like the Governor is because it will create jobs-
(even though, he voted against AB32 3 years ago).
The caller wanted to press him a little more-especially about what green jobs AB32 will create-when he did his WC Field's impression- you know, "go away kid, you're bothering me"
he tells her to "call him- give him a shout at his office" The moron.
OK, give Abel Maldonado a shout! Why is he defending AB 32? What a two-faced idiot politician! What green jobs did this global warming bill create?
Abel Maldonado: 916-651-4015
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