I was scanning the blog by Business Relocation Coach-Joseph Vranich
Good googlie mooglie-check this out:
the “Top Ten Reasons Why California Companies Are Calling the Moving Companies.”
#10: The Tax Foundation in their newest report lists California at No. 48 for tax fairness – ahead of only New York and New Jersey.
#9: The Rose Institute of State and Local Government reported in the latest "Cost of Doing Business Survey" that California cities continue to be some of the most expensive locations to do business in the United States.
#8: The Pacific Research Institute found that California’s labor performance in a recent five-year period is among the worst performing in the nation.
#7: The Civil Justice Association of California said the state ranks 44th in legal fairness to business. Los Angeles was again named the least fair and reasonable litigation environment in the entire country.
#6: A study by the consulting firm Bain & Co. found that an astonishing 60 percent of California business leaders said they have policies in place to restrict job growth in the state or move jobs to other U.S. locations.
#5: Again from Bain & Co. – they’re a busy group – they measured the cost, uncertainty and complexity of regulations and constructed a “regulatory hassle index” and "California is far worse than any other state by a very significant margin."
#4: The Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council in Virginia found that California ranked 49th overall in terms of business friendliness.
#3: The Associated Press calculates what it calls a monthly "misery index" – California is close to the bottom of the list.
#2 Extravagant state spending continues and pollsters have found people are much angrier about California government – more than they've ever been in recorded polling history.
And the #1 reason why California companies are calling the moving companies” – Chief Executive magazine recently found California to be the worst state in the nation in which to do business. Texas was found to be the best.
Check out the companies that have moved from California and the climate that businesses in California have to deal with, on his blog.

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