Suburban homeboy, Antonio Villaraigosa, has been really stoking the anger as those outraged are further subjected to the mayor's lavish trips and stockpile o tickets to top tier events in the city.
From his front row tickets to attend Laker's games (where only sometimes was it announced he was at the game!) on official city business to his Euro-vacation that came with a 95-page book of receipts that cost you close to $120,000 -- it has arrived on the people's doorsteps that this man is as true a piece of shit as humanly possible.
According to his crackpot legal advisor, Brian Currey, the mayor's face alone at an event "bring tourism to Los Angeles" and that his mere attendance is to be considered special. First of all, Brian, please shut up. You easily sound just as stupid defending this mess as my landlord does when I've called him after one of his three day Xanax benders. Oh SURE he'll be right over to check out the air conditioner.
Eric Spillman has been covering the story and pestering the Villar people about details such as the involvement of Mr. Brackpool, whose contributions to the mayor to gain his support of an underwater pool beneath his land is bringing up more issues of unscrupulous acts. Along with the LA Weekly's exposes, there's lingering questions this fool is going to have to answer. This is not going to be an easy week for Mayor McCheese.
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