Saturday, June 9, 2012

Anthony Sanchez Caught Beating Son on Video

An outraged neighbor, Oscar Lopez, filmed the incident from inside his home and knew he had to step in.
"That's enough. I'm having a (expletive) problem with you for beating the (expletive) out of him because he won't catch the damn ball," Lopez tells the angry stepfather.

Sanchez asks if he knows his son.

"I don't know your son but I'm watching you. I'm a (expletive) father too," Lopez says.

"Why don't you come over here and teach me?" Sanchez replies.

Lopez posted the video online and gave it to authorities. Sanchez, who is the director of the Imperial Irrigation District, turned himself in to authorities on Friday and posted a $100,000 bond.

What a douchebag.  John and Ken are going to have something fun to discuss on Monday.

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