In 2008, the exemption was $309 per dependent, Now that the state is swimming in red ink, it decided to take away that gift to families. So the dependent credit will shrink from $309 to roughly $99, and an additional 5% surcharge on state income taxes.
Not sure if anyone remembers these wonderful tax hikes from February's great tax budget idea which increased taxes to the highest in history, designed to somehow resolve the California crisis (which it didnt-well, let me put on my big surprise face),
all courtesy of the big 5: Arnold, Darryl Steinberg, Karen Bass, Sam Blakeslee and Dennis Hollingsworth, also, we give thanks to turncoats, Abel Maldanado, Anthony Adams, Roy Asburn, Mike Villines, Roger Niello, and a few others for their vote of yes.
Here are the increased taxes that all Californians will have to pay as of 2/19/09, in case you have forgotten:
You will pay a state income tax "surcharge" of 5.25%
Your sales tax on most everything you buy will boosted a full 1.00%
Your car tax (Vehicle License Fee) will mushroom to 77% higher
Your dependent tax credit will be slashed by two-thirds, in effect, costing you $200 per child
Are you ready now for a part time legislature?
Download a petition.
A million signatures are needed by March 1st to get this on the ballot. I've got mine signed and plan to circulate more petitions.
These holes are looking for any reason they can make to not count your petition, so:
1- download on legal size paper.
2-only two signatures per petition.
3-make sure you write at the top of the petition what district you are in and make sure that anyone else who signs is in that same district.
4-be registered to vote in California
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