The new story isn't about mole-faced Phil, thankfully its about his
Anyway, it seems her really old, and REALLY fat attorney got drunk and was overheard talking about plans to write a book about the case.
A children's book, you say?
Anyway, he got his fat, smarmy ass kicked off the case for "conflict of interest", against poor Nancy's desire, and wants back on the case. She really took to that fat bastard, but the judge could care less. Wow, the state is REALLY stepping up on this case! Way to make up for lost time, morons.
Today's comment poll: How many chins does this loser have? (Gilbert Maines, not innocent ol' Nancy)
The judge's order, which came as a "complete surprise" to Maines, is being contested by the Fatty McFatterson.
Here are some choice comments from articles around the web:
Goodwriter says: Not worth anybody's pity. Dear potential jurors out there: Don't be swayed by this defendant's self-pity (see smarmy photograph, above). The worst of this world's ogres are the ones who play the self-pity card. In my culture, the second worst crime anybody can commit is the crime of self-pity. What's the worst crime? The crime of cruelty. In my culture, we would know what to do with this perpetrator (Ms. Garrido, above), and we would do it quickly. There it is.
1 comment:
How many lawyer's chins does it take to defend a Garrido?
(Punchline pending...)
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