Saturday, October 31, 2009

Meet The Devores, Etc.

Well, I had the opportunity to go to a free "meet and greet" set up for 70th district assemblyman (south OC) and California senate candidate, 2010, Chuck Devore, and Pat Bates, City Councilwoman for the 5th district (South OC), in the Lake Forest area, the other day.

Chuck, a tall, nothing special looking guy, 40ish, walked in the room on time, with his wife, Diane, a tall, average looking, glasses wearing woman with short cropped, dark brown hair approximately late 30's sporting expensive garments and accessories and an armload of "Chuck Devore for senator" bumper stickers.

Basically, Chuck took this opportunity to campaign for the senator seat as he tries to take it from Barbara Boxer, one of the botoxed zombies on the hill.

He spoke that Boxer, since elected in 1982, has gotten 3 bills passed, oh, that's out of 400, is a proponent of amnesty, is for keeping the water shut down in the Central Valley so that the Delta smelt might live and will not go for a salary decrease for her or her staff.

When he was asked, by me, what the first issue he would work on was, if he was elected, his answer was that he wanted to see the constitution upheld as he didn't feel as though it was. Well, that's just peachy, Devore, but that's not what I asked. Unfortunately, he was on to the next question before I could say that.

It's not really clear, nor was this discussed- what it is Chuck does in his CURRENT position as assemblyman? Seems he just campaigns for senate 24/7.
Makes me feel all warm and safe to know that I may not have any representation in my district.

When asked if he was the man for the job, he just didn't answer that, he rattled off some sort of inchoherent political speak - "the altruism and oligopoly of the 21st century will make me work hard for my constituents" and went on to the next question.

One thing that was clear to me, based on what he said that night, he is afraid to say anything or be seen anyplace that may seem controversial or upset any applecarts so he won't piss anyone off and not get their vote. This may explain why he didn't show to John and Ken's Tax rally in Fullerton back in March. Ahh-chaaa.

And not much to say about Pat Bates, other than when she finally did arrive, 45 minutes late without any type of explanation or remorse, there stood in front of me on the podium, the crypt keeper's mother -approximately 70 years oooold, wrinkled neck, botoxed eyes, and a wig with shoulder length light brown hair-styled like a 35 year old.
When I asked her, nicely, what exactly she did all day, and, as the person in charge looked mortified at the question, her answer to me was, meetings all day.
I almost pulled off my sneaker to throw at her, but realized shoe throwing at a politician has been done before.

All in all, I wasn't that impressed by Devore, I think he's just another wimp, but my bellybutton lint would do a better job than Boxer.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Gavin Smarmy Newsome Drops Out of CA Governor's Race

No hints were given for months, even up to last week's all-day meetup with ABC. Though he did drop a few "Oh balancing political life with personal demons priorities is sooooo difficult" line a few times, at no point was he backing down on his run for CA governor. Well the reality is Jerry Brown has seven times the capitol to finance an aggressive run for office. And under that pressure, Newsome, an admitted alcoholic, finally came to his senses.

Read more here

Halloween-Caught In the Recession

While the economy is recovering, we still haven't recovered, in fact we are still broke ass poor, at least judging by this Halloween.

A survey taken by government vor-kers (cause they dont have anything else to do) report that there will be fewer parties, fewer haunted houses, less candy, fewer decorations and more handmade and reused costumes.

Especially hit the hardest on Halloween, are the 18-to-24-year-old crowd. (sniff,sniff)

But here's good news, we're still carving pumpkins.(yea! wonder if there's a job out there for this specialty).
Evidently, the government is saying there is something like 93,000 acres of land devoted to pumpkin growing which is up from around 26,000 acres in 2007, and most of those pumpkins are destined to become smiling ass jack-o'-lanterns.

Costumes that appear to be popular this year include: Transformers, Harry Potters, superheroes and zombies as well as vampires, princesses, police officers and pirates (Makes me think of Mike Duvall and his "eye patch panty" wearing lobbyist/slag).

Nurse costumes this year fell from fifth to 13th most popular while politicians dropped off the list altogether (hmmm, really? a Karen Bass costume with an army buzz cut wig, snake scales all over your arms and a giant fish hat seems about right, as does a Swarzneggegger outfit complete with urine stained slacks, a frankenstein mask and a cigar).

New this year, is a mask of Bernie Madoff.(included, a wrinkled neck piece)

I have attached (see below) the costume that has brought a lot of flack, bickering and hurt feelings especially amongest the Illegal advocates, to the point that some stores took it off..Hey, its a fucking costume for halloween, you morons, you. (and it's funny cause that's what alot of people really think)

I want one of these.

Trick or Treat? LAPD Scares Everyone On The Net

Orwellian is what they are saying about this spooky ass fucking video brought to you from those peace makers at the Los Angeles Police Department.

People fearing people fearing government fearing everything....great. Thank you LAPD. In times like these, all we need is red terrorism flags and people with their goddamned fucking iPhone pointed at everyone's every move.

So is this a trick or treat? Do the pros outweigh the cons in this updated version of the 1972 Neighborhood Watch campaign? With a pop to cop ratio of about 1000:1 are the police really able to make a dent in crime without having to enlist everyone to become suspiscious of his or her neighbor?

Please comment and tell Sachole what YOU think.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

California's Most Influential Political blogs

Rank Blog Name:
1 Orange Juice
2 L.A. Daily Blog
2 Liberal OC
4 LA Observed
5 Mayor Sam's Sister City
6 Politics in the Zeros
6 OC Progressive
8 Political Blotter
9 uggabugga
10 Right Coast
11 Calitics
12 The Rose Report
13 New Santa Ana
14 The Claremont Conservative
15 Cobb
16 The Bolsavik: All Viet, all the time
17 Red County: Placer County
18 Gay Patriot
18 Red County: Orange County
20 Oakland Focus

Common Sense California

October 21, 2009: Common Sense California will be conducting two of its "Public Engagement: The Vital Leadership Skill in Difficult Times" training seminars in the next few weeks. Here are the upcoming dates/locations:

* October 29: San Luis Obispo (Ludwick Center)
* November 3: Brea (Civic Center, Community Room A)

Attendees will learn about the latest public engagement efforts around the country, and what principles can be applied in their local contexts. To learn more and to register just see their sign-up page.

Video: Southern California Collapse

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Yanks beat Angels on uneven playing field

So there go the Angels. Done in by the dark, evil hand of those damn Yankees of New York. It brought me back to those days as a kid hating everything the Yankees stood for. Now as an adult, it is more interesting to view those little underlying things you don't necessarily see during a major league pop-up.
The Yanks are in a new facility, as viewers know, a move that cost a grand total of $2.31 billion [pdf].

Did you know you paid for a little share of that?  As Matt Welch explains, waivers, grants and subsidies from the government separate man from mouse:

The biggest three categories of government contribution were the following:
• $417 million in property tax waivers from the City of New York.
• $327 million in federal tax-exempt bond subsidies.
• $232 million worth of land giveaways from the city. 

 Dollars and sense in major league sports is tricky.  It's not for us regular beer swillers and hot dog fiends.  We typically just want to see strikes, balls and homers.  Pennants, double plays, stolen bases and championships go along with losing streaks, batting slumps and rebuilding just fine (ask the Marlins, who had the most well-publicized "garage sale" ever).

So good luck Yanks, you got us this year.  But the Angels will be back (maybe they will be the L.A. Angels from Burbank next time), and we will work on getting larger tax exemptions and land give away opportunities like it is nobody's business.

Safe House Needed in Norwalk for Councilman's Wife

So this Rick Ramirez-City Councilman in Norwalk, was arrested and thrown in the "hoosgow" on friday night for threatening his wife, Gina, with death threats sent to her in a text message by him.

Ricky was released on $50,000 bail next day.(run, Gina)

Holy shit. Not much was said as to the reason he made those threats, not that it matters what his rationale was but I for one, would like to know what possibily causes a city councilman who brags the following background, and receives a glowing endorsement from Sheriff Lee Baca to serve in public office, to snap.

"Rick Ramirez has been in the law enforcement profession for over 15 years, serving with the City of Norwalk Office of Public Safety and Orange County Marshal's Department," according to the Web site. "He has also served as a supervisor and trainer with the Santa Ana Police Department's Jail Bureau, and is also a peace officer with the City of Long Beach under the Park Ranger Program."


this comment to the story from Nancy in Sun Valley, was particularly interesting:

"This knuckle head called me on an issue at another City. In an effort to get his way, he told me that he was in law enforcement and with connections. While on the phone, I Googled his name and found his bio from Norwalk. When I told him that his law enforcement background as a park ranger did not impress me, he got all hot and nasty. Said he would call my City manager and file a complaint. I asked if wanted to hold while I transferred him to the CM. He hung up and I never heard from him again. Now he is threatening women - a true jack-a**."

as was this one from Mary Jane:

"Ramirez is the same Councilmember whose Planning Commissioner, Marcel Rodarte, was accused of domestic violence last year. They make quite a pair."

and this one from, As The World Turns:

"It is true that this is about Rick Ramirez, but we should not forget that Marcel Rodarte is his commissioner and now that Rick is in trouble Marcel the Hero wants to distance himself. It was Rick how financed a large portion of his campaign and helped Marcel and that other one make this last election one of the worst that Norwalk has seen. I have seen the court paperwork concerning Marcel's two, not one, divorces and in both his ex-wives claimed domestic violence and the sheriff's department was called out. It is public record so the apple does not fall from the tree"

Reality Check, from Whittier writes

"The biggest dick in Norwalk is The City Manager, Ernie V. Garcia. Now thats a dick if you ever worked with him in a lower status. He has no business being in charge of Norwalk. (How do I know) I used to work in the Public Safety Department. I'm glad I left years ago. Ernie shoud be investigated, I'm sure he is stealing money from Norwalk."

I hear ya-not only is Ramirez right smack in the Sacholes radar, so is Marcel Rodarte and Ernie V Garcia. Now I know how the Orkin Man feels.

In the coming days we will crawl around in the basement and under the house, to find the nests of vermin and expose it to the light. That's a promise

Keep the faith.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Pride of the Republicans Carly Fiorina

Bitchcar Barbara Boxer might not be your picture of warmth. In fact, if you preheated your oven and threw her in for a few hours to broil, there would still be a frozen middle. But while you ponder alternatives, you'll wanna take at the skull-swinging republican version of what a senator should be. Should be. She wants to take Boxer's spot, and to be honest, I don't want to be in that room when the back fur spikes and hisses come-a-roarin'.

There are 3 key factors to Carly's public legacy:
1. Hewlett-Packard fired her sorry ass after the company's stock sank 60%.
2. 18,000 layoffs on her watch. (Hey, someone's gotta balance a budget!)
3. She got a $45 million dollar "get off my lawn, bitch" payoff.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Blogger Attacked by A Gassy Attorney For Telling The Truth

I wasn't going to say anything about yesterday's story of dirtbag scum, Mike Duvall and another woman of class, siting, I already blogged about him and a dripping female in prior postings,
this happens to be more than a simple posting of Mike "spanky" Duvall and him being an old, disgusting freak and the wholesome, ethical slag's who love him,

this is about a fellow scum buster who was intimidated yesterday by a worm lawyer, into taking down his posting about a TRUE story of Mike Duvall who was spotted in a car getting his freak on with professional (yeah, shes a professional alright) fundraiser, Desiree Mouzoon.

Well, she went whining to some attorney at the Jones Day Company that her reputation is now soiled (oh, call a waam-bulance) because of a story that was reported in a website by CBS2/KCAL9 and re-reported by Orange Juice, about her bumping uglies with Du-ball (yeah, it was the story, it couldn't possibly be because she was caught doing the nasty with a married public figure) and hoped he could help to recover her spotless reputation with her clients (johns).

So the low down bastard, who evidently rules by pushing his weight around (and that's alot of blubber), sent a letter to the Orange Juice bloggers and demanded the story they posted be taken down or he would take legal action.


"Last night we received an e-mailed letter from Jones Day, the same lawyers that miraculously worked on convicted criminal ex-Sheriff Mike Carona’s defense for free.

The letter demands that we remove the post we published about KCAL’s Dave Lopez pursuing a story concerning a former Mike Duvall associate at Linda Ackerman’s October 20th fundraiser at the Summit Inn.

Our post was about an event that occurred within Fullerton, our city. It’s on film. Thousands of people have seen it on television. It indisputably happened. It was of particular interest to us since Mr. Lopez also interviewed us at our protest at the site of the fundraiser; this fact was clearly related in the very first sentence of the post."

The OC Weekly posted a story today:

Click here for this story

"In a letter to Art Pedroza, editor of Orange Juice blog, lawyer Thomas R. Malcolm asserted that the KCBS report is "absolutely false and [has] caused irreparable harm" to Mouzoon. Malcolm, a heavyweight in local political/legal circles, demanded that Pedroza "immediately" remove his blog post from the Internet or he would be "aggressively" attacked in future litigation.

Pedroza--a feisty blogger who attempts to keep officials with both major political parties honest--told me tonight that he removed his original blog entry and then wrote a new posting about Malcolm's threat."

You go, Orange Juice, don't get discouraged and keep printing the truth.

See below for a pic of the fat slob a-turd-ney who thinks he can bully and censor his way into a case win, looks like he's trying hard to get his very first one.

Did I just pass out and wake up in another country or am I still in America? the 1st Amendment still works?

In case Jones Day or Desiree have any ideas for Sacholes, bring it.
Tell me what I can and can't say...please?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Governor Candidate- Meg "Center Right" Whitman

Center Right, that's how California should be governed, said Meg Whitman, who was interviewed on KFI AM this evening- She vows to cut the spending already (heard it), create jobs (heard it), layoff-not furlough, some 40 thousand state vor-kers to the amount we had 5 years ago (haven't heard that) and, heres an interesting one, put a freeze on Arnold's Global Warming bill.

When asked to name one of the things that was going on in Sacramento that people don't know but if they knew they would want to stick a fork in their eye -her answer was, "the horrific waste and lack of effectiveness of all that tax money"

She feels that governoring California will take her well known "spine of steel", because, as it was brought to her attention in the interview, that everyone, unions, lobbyists, politicians etc, will be barking and spitting pea soup at her-she vows, that a spine of steel is what it's going to take to not knuckle down to these kind of pressures (heard it).

Her ideas about illegal immigration are to get jiggy on people who are employing illegals and that companies should be using a system so they know who is legal and who isn't before hiring them.

Another item on Meg's wishlist is to eliminate sanctuary in certain cities-now they are San Deigo, San Francisco and Los Angeles.

She promises not to raise taxes in fact as you see in the photo below, she is holding up her signed "no new tax, pledge" with her full legal name, Margaret C. Whitman, on it.

Her thoughts of a part time legislative is that its an interesting idea, but stated that perhaps legislative could be fixed in order to keep the full time status.

Look for a debate time in March between her and John Campbell-should be interesting, will have details later.
John and Ken advised her that they would be happy to host a debate between her, Steve Poizner and Jerry Brown, which she politely said "thank you" to, but her answer sounded to me, kind of passive-agressiv-ish.

Meg was asked what she thought was one reason Sacramento was failing miserably-she said "there isnt any leadership"

I thought about this, yeah, when there is no one to answer to, no boundaries, no one to hold you accountable for your actions, no consequences enforced for your screwups and the company motto is "figure it out your own damn self", you are going to have more than chaos-someones going to get hurt.

All in all, I thought the Meg-ster did well, and as the photos on KFI website show, she didn't have any notes in front of her and there was no "handler" or anyone that sat with her to answer questions for her.
I was impressed with the content of her quick answers and the fact that she seemed pretty in touch with regular people, even though she is a multi million-airess. Is she the right person to run California after that idiot Arnold takes his final bow in 2010? I dunno.
I, however, may get a better idea after her debate with John Campbell in March.

At least now, I have a an idea of who the hell she is and what she's about.

POT, California's Next Frontier?

Insane. All these lame SacHoles trying to make even MORE money off the potheads screw up 20 versions of moratoriums and still just can't get it right. Look - there is no economic downturn with the decriminalization of the green bud.

From the latest SacBee article:
Medical marijuana advocates were ecstatic Monday at word that the Obama administration is backing off prosecution efforts in California and 13 other states that allow use of the drug in treating pain and other ailments.

But they remained concerned that the new policy announced Monday is still vague and that oversight of marijuana dispensaries remains a hodgepodge of local regulations.

Go to the link to read more.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ugly Arnie

Stupid square headed, german born zombie, Schwarzenegger, as usual, hasn't followed thru with his promise of giving financial help to Hollywood, so despite pleas to attempt to stop film and television crews from fleeing to other states, this major, California industry, due to the high cost of doing business in California, did just that.

Last year's highly publicized dump-ation of filming the TV show "Ugly Betty" in California and moving filming to New York, supposedly, was the final straw that sent Arnold's little raisins AKA, his balls, over the edge.

The industry had "a lot of hope" that Schwarzenegger would push through a film tax-credit program when he was elected in 2003.Yet despite his own Hollywood past, Schwarzenegger hasnt done diddly squat for the movie industry on tax credits – or other issues –until the big budget meeting last february, when he made a gesture.

The only thing that jackass has pushed forward are his never-ending lies.
Obviously his pathological incapability of accepting responsiblity is still not known by some.

Honestly, he must have had quite a reputation for getting tail down at the Butt Hut Bar and Grill back in the 70's, what with his exceptionally skilled ability of handing out lines.

Anyway, last Februrary, while prick face reduced tax credits and raised taxes for regular working stiffs, like you and me, he gave (in writing)hundreds of millions of dollars to the film and television companies through tax credits
and a change in how corporate taxes are calculated starting in- 2011.

The credits are worth $100 million annually over five years, while the tax policy change will save the film industry $58 million each year by 2015-16, according to the Franchise Tax Board.

Two donors that own major Hollywood studios immediately gave Schwarzenegger-affiliated campaign committees their largest contributions (bribe) since he took office in 2003.

But critics are screaming that the tax benefits occur at the wrong time, as California works to overcome deficits and cuts billions of dollars for social services and education.

"It was a huge gift to the industry," said Lenny Goldberg, executive director of the union-backed California Tax Reform Association.
"Not only do they get tax credits for producing in California, but they get to take a lot of income that used to be attributable to California and not count it anymore."

And FYI,
Schwarzenegger who may have plenty of long standing ties to the film industry was asked in a CNN interview
if he would grant Polanski a pardon if he was ultimately extradited to California,
and the answer was “no,” along with a clear statement that he thought Polanski deserved no special treatment because of his status as a filmmaker.

And you can find the Lochness monster hanging out in my bathtub.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Mark Germain talks to Gov Arnold Schwarzenegger about CA and Maria

I hope you all know who Mark Germain is. If you don't, don't worry, tune in to his new show which is now unregulated by the shitheads at the FCC. I'll spare you enamored historical date, but as a little background, Germain is a fantastic radio personality. He was most famously known on terrestrial radio as Mr. KABC, but moved around (as they usually do...) until he packed up and left for outer space.

Listen to Mark interview "Arnold", it will make you laugh as he talks about family life with Maria, legalizing herb, how Verner Schooner can make California's problem less difficult to deal with, and even patches in to a conversation with Morgan Freeman. TALK RADIO ONE, yes, that's where to find this great interview.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Arnold's Report Card Suggests Need for a Tutor

Ca. Governor Arnold Shwartzy voted pro-consumer only 6 times while signing off on the 14 bills determined to have an impact on taxpayers in California.

Richard Holober, Executive Director of the Consumer Federation of California stated: “We are disappointed that the Governor sided with big business interests and against consumers on the majority of bills that reached his desk. The Governor turned a deaf ear to California consumers on key food safety, automobile insurance and financial privacy proposals.”

"Anti" Consumer Bills Signed by the Governor

AB 48 (Portantino) – will reinstate responsibility for oversight of for-profit post-secondary educational institutions to an agency unsuited for the task, and would establish standards that would permit fraud on students.

AB 1200 (Hayashi) – weakens California’s “anti-steering” law by allowing automobile insurance companies to persuade policy holders who have chosen a repair shop to switch to a shop that may use inferior parts or procedures.

SB 98 (Calderon) – Regulates life settlement industry, but requires biased disclosures that do not inform insurance policy holders that they may have better alternatives to surrendering a policy or allowing a life insurance policy to lapse.

For more read here.

BREAKING NEWS UPDATE: Senate Approves Health Care Plan

Californians, America is bracing itself for major over-hauls to the health care system.

For now, we know from the link in SacBee, that there is a 10-year, $829-billion plan that would,and for the first time, require most Americans to purchase insurance and it also supposed to hold down medical costs over time.

Hey with the tax increases in our state, wondering how this impacts Californians? We will write more about this when more information is received, in the meanwhile, we urge you to figure out what it is you are in support of, evil, ridiculous insurance carriers or expanded government prowess.

Lieutenant Governor John Garamendi warns if government is going to require people to buy an insurance policy, they have to guarantee it is affordable and protect consumers from soaring premiums.
“We are about to force at least 30 million people into an insurance market where the sharks are circling. Without effective protections, they will be eaten alive,” Garamendi said.

The insurance industry represents the free-market. They don't represent a "working model." Nobody can afford insurance. But nobody wants the big foot of government up our ass.

WASHINGTON -- A pivotal Senate committee has approved a sweeping remake of the country's health care system, delivering a long-sought boost to President Barack Obama's goal of expanding coverage. -- SAC BEE

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Anthony Adams is a liar, cheat and whore

Anthony Adams, the Orange County assemblyman(R-Hesperia)who is a tub of lies got one hell of a stereotypically soft interview by Los Angeles Times reporter David Lazarus (KPCC) last week. The treatment was so fucking wrong, so vile, so pussy that I actually found myself taking sides with John and Ken from KFI every step of the way when they tore apart the interview, clip by clip - lie by lie.

Orange County must love getting called out like that - you are a bunch of vermin who refuse to share your wealth with the dying surrounding California counties. Couldn't be more true, and I couldn't be more loathing of the incestuous community of turds who live beyond the Orange Curtain, but Adams is a piece of crap that needed a real interview, and the L.A. Times' reporter was equally as mentally incapable of tearing this fool a new turd factory.

He signed a No Tax Pledge that directly influenced his ability to get elected in the first place and then defended his position for voting for the largest state tax hike in American history when he likened the scenario to promising his wife a new car, then losing his job and making the proper adjustment - things change. Here's a link to his broken promise: LINK

I don't even have to live in the OC to know how wrong he is, and when given the opportunity to bust a cap in his ass, Lazarus acted like his oven timer just went off. Maybe Lazarus believed the crap he was hearing, but no - he caved.

Maybe you are torn. Maybe you are thinking "hey, man, what is so wrong about wanting to help the people?" because this is really the only defense for this kind of back stabbing.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sit Naked By The Pool, Collect 82 Grand

Says the L.A. Times --

Officials at the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power officials plan to give a consulting contract to the outgoing general manager of the power agency that would pay him the same salary he was earning as the DWP's top executive.

Just days after he resigned, David Nahai is slated to receive nearly $6,300 per week as a consultant to the utility.The DWP commission, whose five members are appointed by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, is scheduled to meet Tuesday to discuss the plan.

Yeah, you read that right - sixty-tree hunnerd PER WEEK.
Because of his superior,unparalleled knowledge of the way the DMV runs that no one could hope to surpass in the next 90 days, it has been requested that he answer his Iphone once in awhile in case anyone has forgotten where the toner is kept.

And since this is a commission that is assigned by the mayor, they don't really have to make anyone happy, of course they had President Lee "Knickers in a Knot" Kanon Alpert on special public duty today to field response, who promptly flipped everyone off and did a dramatic storm off after snorting that nothing is wrong with this, its normal business practice and in fact, it's in the best interest of the public to do this. (as well as mandatory furlough days and laying off of police/fire)

Pay attention to this particular comment: "David's resigned, and we need his institutional knowledge for the next few months" said Alpert.

How this is going to be monitored shouldn't be easy, perhaps his "institutional knowledge" will be used to advise everyone where the next broken water pipe is located.
but will DWP be paying on this fool for years, or months as suggested? These things have a way of gettin messy.

Not to sound like a paranoid nut who doesn't trust CEO, politician or the Unions, but, a question is rattling around in my brain..wonder, did Nahai actually RESIGN or was it a forced banishment with a side of payola?

I was SO worried that Nahai and his family would be left high and dry afer leaving us with a shitload of broken water pipes all over the city and rationing how much water and what days we can water our lawns and take a shower.

Whew, glad to know all those fee hikes are going to good use.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Here Comes Jerry Brown

Just thought I'd kick it off early - cuz Jerry Brown is about to become California's next governor. Here's some of his quotes. Some say he's a reformed tax hiker, I say anything but the other options, particularly, smarmy Gavin Newsome. Of course NUC ain't in the biz of recruiting folks for office just so others don't get in, so we'll take a closer look in coming months at his REAL deal. For now, you get these gems:

Too often I find that the volume of paper expands to fill the available briefcases

The government is becoming the family of last resort

Farmers markets are green shoots coming out of the gun. They represent hope and they need to be cultivated. But we have a juggernaut coming at us.

Where there is a sufficient social movement of self-reliant communities, there can be political change.
There must be political change.

We have to deal with where we are. We have to create cooperatives, we have to create intentional communities, we have to work for local cooperation where we are.

He opposed the Vietnam War and the death penalty, he rented an apartment in Sacramento rather than live in the governor's mansion, and he insisted he be driven in a compact sedan, and not the limos that carried previous governors.

During Brown's 8 years as governor, he secured federal protection of Northern California's wild and scenic rivers, established the first agricultural labor relations law in the country and appointed the first black, female and Latino judges to the California Supreme Court. He also famously increased funding for the California Arts Commission by 1300%.

Prisons don't rehabilitate, they don't punish, they don't protect, so what the hell do they do?

Brown campaigned for the presidency in 1980 on a promise to "protect the Earth, serve the people, and explore the universe." Specifically, he opposed nuclear power, supported the Balanced Budget Amendment, and wanted to increase funding for the space program.

The reason that everybody likes planning is that nobody has to do anything.

Brown's campaign fizzled after a poor showing in the important New Hampshire primary. He would run again in 1992, surprising many with victories in several primaries, but ultimately losing the Democratic nomination to Arkansas governor Bill Clinton.

Brown was later elected Mayor of the California city Oakland, and in 2004 was elected Attorney General of the state of California, a position he still holds.

Inaction may be the biggest form of action.

One thing we do know - Brown is against the right to choose. Read the story about Jerry and the woman with the glass eye (for the title if nothing else).