Friday, April 9, 2010

Just a quick coffee break for our Sachole readers

Sacholes is happy to present you with fine analysis of California's political schemers, and we take pleasure in addressing the issues that may impact your daily life. It's a dirty, filthy job, but the writers of this site come from a dirty, filthy family. Enjoy the articles and thanks for helping us reach the 10K views marker quicker than any of our other blogs.

As you may have noticed, there are a few advertisers over there in the middle column of the page... all of which were hand-selected as convenient money savers for readers. Any proceeds Sacholes will earn will just be tossed right back at the website, so feel free to click through and check em out. JR, for example, is a quality electronics link that has some of the best prices on cameras I've found anywhere on the net. Itunes needs no more of your money, per se, but since you all have iPods and whatnot, it is there for your convenience.

But possibly my favorite ad is for Boca Coffee. Again, this is a tried and trusted link for quality coffee, something we here at the Sacholes site require when searching around to see who is sucking who's dick to get their political way.

I just wanted to pass along an offer I just received in my email from Boca Java's Fresh Roasted Gourmet Coffee to try the product for free (+ small S&H fee). Click on the link to receive 4 2oz. bags of coffee for free, just pay $2.99 for S&H. No catches, this is just a way for people to try their coffee.

Sacholes gets NO commission from this, but we'd like to know if you like it enough to possibly purchase more in the future.

Click here to receive this great offer:

Don't say we never gave you anything except stupid political commentary.

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