Monday, April 26, 2010

Shasta County faces CARB

Here is a direct link to the petition to SUSPEND AB32 - signatures are desperately needed to help save jobs in this already wretched economy.  Counties such as Shasta County (see below) are highly dependent on cars for commerce.  While the environment is a huge problem, and making California air clean is a high priority, the solutions need to have agreement on both sides of the issue and CARB is threatening an already struggling situation that needs attention now.  Sign the Suspend AB32 Petition and help California come up with a solution that won't result in more lost jobs.

By Scott Mobley, Record Searchlight, 4/25/10 

Shasta County faces a dilemma how to encourage substantially less driving in a place designed around the automobile.

Greater Redding, like 17 other metropolitan areas around California, sits under a state mandate to hold greenhouse gas emissions below 2005 levels as population grows through 2035.

The Shasta County Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA) board will meet Tuesday with representatives from the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to begin discussing how the greater Redding area can meet that greenhouse gas reduction requirement during a meeting thats open to the public.

CARB is the agency responsible for setting reduction targets specifically related to land use and driving under legislation passed in 2006 and 2008 known as AB 32 and SB 275, respectively. Elected officials from Shasta County and the countys three cities sit on the RTPA board.

Follow the link to

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